Friday, April 22, 2011

Journal 14

An Inconvenient Truth: Al Gore
This movie was depressing to say the least. I understand the need to connect to an audience emotionally to grab their attention long enough to get your point across but I feel this film dragged on. Gore kept repeated statistics and facts about global warming and the problems we will inevitably face if we do not do anything to stop or prevent it. It is all understandable and truly tragic, however I feel it was to drawn out. You can hit the audience with a few hard and emotional facts and be done. One thing I also noticed was that he talked forever about the problems yet never once told the audience what they can do to help make a difference. If I’m getting depressed about what is happening to the world I want to know how I can help and what I can do to make a difference. You need to educate your audience in all aspects so that we can make a difference. Overall I just feel the video could have been improved quite a bit.

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